Shenandoah Virginia Engagement Session // Aaron & Lauren

When Lauren first joined our small group, I was instantly drawn to her. She’s outspoken, had just come from a mission trip in the Middle East where God rocked her world in what she witnessed, saw and experienced. She was raw, real, authentic and honest. She’s the kind of disciple and friend that I want in my life. She asks big questions and has big devotion.

As we’ve gotten to know each other, I honestly just love her more. She joined our small group because Aaron, her boyfriend was in it first. Our small group walked with them and watched and cheered them on as they decided - will this be it? Will this person be my forever?

Obviously, they answered that question with a resounding, “yes!” I couldn’t be more excited for them and to grow in relationship with them as they joined our new small group plant. Aaron and Lauren are fun, adventurous, raw and devoted. Together, they’re going to be a force in the Kingdom of God.

To help capture their adventurous spirits, we went out near George Washington National Forest area in Stokesville, Virginia to capture some shots of them doing their thing in their natural habitat. I love living in Bridgewater and discovered these new, wonderful spots. Can’t wait to celebrate them in less than a month!


Try Softer: Book Review


Staunton, VA Engagement Session: Tyler & Lindsay